The DASH training programme is aimed at the waste and recycling industry and spread over 2 days and uses training materials which have been developed in a user friendly format.
Our Trainers and Consultants are registered with the HSE under the Occupational Health and Safety Consultants Register.
- An industry-developed Induction programme endorsed by the HSE
- Manual Handling training specially developed by the Health & Safety Laboratories (HSL)
- To educate up-skill and train out bad practice and in turn reduce RIDDOR (2012) reported accidents and incidents
- The development of operatives' skills and understanding of health & safety issues using real-life examples that they can relate to
- Successful learners can gain a WAMITAB certificate which provides unit evidence for level 2 vocational QCF qualifications
WAMITAB have mapped the underpinning knowledge and practical elements of the induction to their level 2 programmes, and successful achievement provides recognition of prior learning towards the units indicated below, which provides an entree into further training progression
WAMITAB has mapped the underpinning knowledge/understanding and practical elements of the induction to their Level 2 qualifications, and successful achievement provides recognition of prior learning towards the units indicated below:
- CS02     Conforming to efficient working practices in the workplace
- W01       Maintain a healthy and safe working environment for waste management activities
- W038     Manual handling, lifting and moving of loads in a waste environment
The Induction Programme covers these seven key areas:
Section 1 - H & S Law
Section 2 - Safe collection of Refuse and Recycling
Section 3 - Safety Features on RCV's/Compaction and Lifting Equipment
Section 4 - Safe working at Landfill, Transfer Stations and on rounds
Section 5 - Reversing Assistant Training
Section 6 - Manual Handling
Section 7 - Accident/Incident/Near Miss Reporting & RIDDOR (2012)
To learn more about the DASH Induction Training Programme and to take positive steps in reducing work-related accident and injury, take advantage of this highly successful Health and Safety Training Initiative then please give us a call on: 07580 255508 or email us: services@sas-ltd.co.uk
Both open & in-house courses being conducted throughout the year.
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